It's been quite a while since I have really made a blog entry here. Please, forgive me, but you'll understand why in a moment or two. We Have had a very busy year here at the Simmons household and God has given us many blessings thus far.
Let's see? Where shall I begin? :) Ok, so we have moved from our cramped 2 bedroom/1 bath apartment to a nice roomy 3 bedroom/ 2 bath house in a very nice quiet neighborhood. The children have plenty of space and many friends to play with. I am so happy they actually want to go outside to play now! We're also so much more closer to our church than we were before. There's quite a few blessings to be counted for in this paragraph (in an infomercial kind of tone)"But wait! There's more!".....
Well, prior to Christmas we were having a lot of issues with our car. It would over heat. It was leaking oil to the point that we were filling it up every other day. Finally, after Christmas it would stall out for no reason at all. I was afraid to drive it to work that I may get stuck on the side of the road. About 2 days after my birthday, God blessed us with a nice roomy minivan. There was plenty of room for all 3 of the children and still had 2 seats to spare. We joked about how there were too many seats and we needed to fill up the other two, but little did we know that just 2 days after God led us to the minivan, that we would find out we were expecting!
In the meantime, during all of the morning sickness, I was (and still am) working a full-time job. Which wasn't too fun during the early stage of my pregnancy (3 months). I was extremely exhausted and nauseated. I would come home and my poor dear husband would be ready for quality time and here I've passed into a comatosed state on the couch with my mouth probably gaped wide open. Ahh...the narcoleptic stage of the!
I do have to add here how truly blessed I am to have a husband who wants to be at every Doctor's appointment. The expression on his face when we first heard the baby's heart beat was absolutely breath taking. I never want to forget that moment. He was in total awe.
All the while we were really hoping for a boy, but in all actuallity, we would take either gender as long as the baby was healthy. We had even picked out names for both genders. We wanted to give the baby a biblical name that had great meaning to it. So we prayed then chose Corinthia Nicole if the baby was a girl and if the baby was a boy, his name would be Titus Gill. Corinthia would be after the book of Corinthians in the bible and Nicole is my husband's sister's middle name. Titus was after my favorite book in the bible and Gill is my husband's middle name.
Then came the exciting time of the pregnancy! Where we find out what sex the baby is! We were in the dark room waiting for the ultrasound tech to start up the ultrasound machine and the very first picture that came up was our not so shy baby revealing himself to us. I very excitedly exclaimed, "Is that a boy??!" Yes! It's a boy!!! We have a Titus Gill! While lying on the table, I look over at my husband who once again has a priceless look on his face. I can't really begin to describe the feeling I had at that very moment I locked eyes with him. All I can say is AMAZING.
So, here we are and I'm 28 weeks along as of this past Monday and into the third and final trimester. Tomorrow is our last monthly Doctor's appointment. After that we will be scheduled for every 2 weeks to see the Obstetrician. I am so huge people ask if I'm sure there is only one in there. LOL!
I have to laugh at the reactions I get at work when asked by our patients, " So...this is #1?" and I respond with a "No, this is #4." And then here comes the stunned look on their face with the sister question, " WOW! How many more are you gonna have?" and I always reply with the biggest smile, " As many as God will give us." :)) And without a doubt we will.
Having had 3 previous c-sections this will undoubtedly be a 4th and we have already scheduled the surgery for Titus' birth. September 12, will be the big day. We are very excited!
Thank you, God for all our blessings. Great and small!